Minutes of Meeting with Mr Chris Holstein MP Member for Gosford


26 October 2012, 9.30am


In attendance


John Fearon, President

Rendall Wagner, Vice President

Peter Sheldon, Treasurer

Amanda Cashion, Chair, Point Clare Public School Council.

Toni Tibbs, KPTP member.



The first three issues listed below are considered high priority for residents living in our area:


1. Footpath between Koolinda & Lorraine Avenues, Point Clare (southern side). Issues raised:

a) High risk to child safety.

b) Children within walking distance are driven to school as a contingency, thereby causing more traffic congestion at the school.

c) Children within walking distance catch a bus to school as a contingency, however crossing the road to catch the bus is extremely dangerous and requires adult supervision.

d) Pedestrians have been subjected to abuse from drivers.

e) Locals who live within walking distance, drive their cars to the station to avoid the dangerous walk.

f) Parked cars on verge increases danger to pedestrians.

g) Unsafe for prams, wheelchairs and scooters.



Mr Holstein was aware of the lack of footpath in this stretch of Brisbane Water Drive and made the comment that he is aware that it is dangerous for pedestrians and also impacts on the ability of children to access the school.


He also noted that the amount of traffic congestion on the road will be considerably worse with the commencement of the West Gosford Intersection roadworks.


Mr Holstein has undertaken to make representations to Council and RMS regarding this issue and has requested a letter from the Progress Association detailing the above concerns with photos from Toni.


The suggestion is that if the footpath is done in sections that the highest priority be the section between Lorraine Ave and Tanya Drive. The second priority being from Tanya Drive to Koolinda Ave. The council themselves will assess how it is done and funded. Generally footpaths are council funded. However Mr Holstein mentioned that if roads are state funded and deemed as being dangerous (which is the case for Brisbane Water Drive) then the State Government can sometimes contribute to costs.


Chris noted that sometimes residents could be asked to make a financial

contribution towards the footpath. I personally suggested that the footpath is fully funded by council and/or RMS.


2. Point Clare Public School drop-offs and pick-ups are chaotic:


a) Footpaths, curb and guttering of Takari Ave, Nioka Ave and Scott St needed.


Response: A copy of the completed survey and report undertaken by Amanda also to be forwarded to Mr Holstein. He suggested that a strong response rate from the survey would be very beneficial.


b) Widening above mentioned roads and enclosing exposed culverts.


Response: This will happen naturally with footpaths, curbs, etc mentioned above.


c) Traffic Management Plan needed.


Response: No support from Council so far. Mr Holstein is willing to make representation to Gosford City Council on our behalf. He suggested a Traffic Management Plan would simply add costs via need for consultants. The work completed so far by the School Committee was a good start.


d) Turning circle at far end of Takari Ave.


Response: Considered.


3. 40km zone on Brisbane Water Drive from Point Clare Station Lights to Lorraine Ave.


Response: Any statements by witnesses or accident victims of car incidents around the school would be beneficial to this cause. Especially any statements of accidents where children had been hit/injured. Refer to 2a and 2c above.


4. Other issues

a) Bolt-on bicycle ramp at Tascott railway overpass for consideration.


Response: Mr Holstein would like copies of photos and proposal. He noted concern that a ramp may be used by skateboarders. He said that a trial only would be considered at this stage.


b) Freight train noise – hotline commenced but problems continue.


Response: Not much point in telling Mr Holstein as he would report it to the same people. Mr Holstein did mention however that it is important to report as much as possible to build up a profile of repeat occurrences, etc. Reports need to be very specific regarding times of trains passing.


c) Brisbane Water Drive – Fagan Park impromptu car park – another pedestrian danger.


Response: Please lodge complaint with the Gosford City Council Traffic Committee asking Rangers to monitor more closely, with CC to Chris Holstein. He can then ask the State Representative on this committee

to offer support.


d) Pedestrian walkway/cycleway included in Stage 1 of The Landing - Is it going ahead?


Response: No, it was just a rumour.


5. Funding questions:

a) Glenrock Parade upgrades, is it included in the State Infrastructure Renewal Scheme or State Infrastructure Strategy 2012-2032? If not, how is it funded?

Response: This is a Council road.


b) Is the Central Coast Highway a State or Federal road?

Response: State Government.


c) How is the West Gosford – Manns Rd intersection upgrade funded? Response: Intersection upgrade is a $140M project. Over $40M has already spent. It is expected to go over the budget. Further state budgets will allocate funds to complete the project.


d) When will the works commence on the intersection?

Response: July-Sept 2013. However, some demolition work will commence this November.


e) When are the works expected to be completed?

Response: July-Sept 2015 (2yrs).


f) Does the SIS 2012-2032 affect the funding for the planned West Gosford Intersection upgrade?

Response: Apparently not, according to Mr Holstein.


g) Why is the proposed commute time to Sydney of 1hour only targeted between 5-10 years in the SIS 2012-2032? Why not sooner?

Response: The NSW Minister for Transport, Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, is currently drafting a new timetable, expected to be implemented within two years. (I'm sure we will follow with much interest).